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Thursday 24 November 2011

Diary : 24 Nov 2011 (What If)

While the world teaches us to take an eye for an eye. The bible tells us to turn the other cheek.
Requiring us to do something totally opposite our instincts !

There are just so many examples scattered across the gospels.  So many times we struggle and wonder why is it just do difficult to be Christ like.

Even for many of us who manage to "obey" (to varying degrees). I suspect that many times we obey by "crucifying the flesh", and potentially missing a better picture.

What if the issue is not the test of obedience but the issue of trust ?
The belief and trust that God is the very "manufacturer" of us and He has a good plan ?

For every new car that is produced, its accompanied by a manufacturer's handbook, with notes on how to care for the vehicle, trouble shoot problems and it also tells us how often it needs to be serviced. The manufacturer know the effects of wear and tear, how the climate will affect the car and they know that even with day to day use, the vehicle will soon fall apart without proper care.

Its a manual is written to tell of how the car can be kept at its optimum and prevented from premature damage but unfortunately, like the bible, its often left unread.
I believe there is an important parallel in the car manual and the Bible-the manual from our Manufacturer.

But the more stirring part.

What if these seemly painful "crucifying the flesh" verses where not meant to only make the world a better place, but more importantly to enable us to keep going and prevent us from getting hurt ?

You see thousands of years ago, it was commanded to the Israelites to circumcise their children after the 8th day of birth. The people of that day probably struggled with the idea and did it out of religious obligation, but little do they know that this act that goes against the fabric of our nature is actually saving their children's precious lives.

Without even knowing it, the next generation was preserved from potentially fatal infections. And the beautiful part is that the bible is so specific- at the 8th day !

According to doctors, at 8 days old, our bodies have the highest ability to bring about a blood clot, in the event of a cut and we are the most resilient to cuts at this very day of our lives.

Now, coming back to the issue at hand.

What if these commandments were not just meant for world outside ? But for us specifically ?

What if "Love thy neighbour" was not just a commandment for us to love others, but for us to have an opportunity to be helped in times of difficulty when turmoils come our way ? What if this the the very ark we need to build so disaster can be adverted?

What if these verses were not just commandments, but statements of Love from our manufacturer who has seen the future and is preparing us for what that lies ahead ?

If we view these verses in trust, knowing that God has the best plan for us.
I reckon that obedience will come naturally, because of a new found trust in an all-loving Maker.

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