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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Diary : A Meeting That Did Not Go As Planned

What an AWESOME day !

We're at the children's home doing a regular sharing and God interrupted!

Halfway through the sharing, i was prompted to talk about worship and loving God. I did not get too far due to my limited vocabulary in Thai and struggled much to explain to the kids about "giving your all" during worship, not just the voice, but much more than that. But in the Thai vocabulary, I could only explain it as "pouring out of ourselves to God"

It did not go as expected, and it sure does not look like a good start. But we went into worship trusting God to be in control. Now things just got worse, the choice of songs by the worship leader was off, the tone was way too slow. Everything was seemingly wrong.

But just in less then 10 mins into worship, the children started to break into tears almost simultaneously. It was definitely not the message and neither was it the choice of songs. But somehow something moved in the spiritual realm.

The children's worship couldn't end !

The girls were weeping and the staff were all teary. The whole floor was stained with tears from heartfelt prayers. As you hear the little ones pray, it was not about coming from a sad background, neither was it about something that did not receive. BUT a hunger to know God, interspersed with repentance from a lifestyle of indifference.

We all knew it was God who interrupted.

And may He continue to interrupt all our future meetings, so that His people can meet with Him.

1 comment:

  1. you should put a like button so that people can like your posts!
