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Join us as we embark on this journey of faith. Journey with us by praying alongside & supporting us every step of the way. May this journal and our lives be a testament of God's love in a hurting world.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Finding David : Chapter 10 : In Exactly 3 More Days

In exactly 3 days, we will be opening our second STK shelter in Chiang Mai. We have planned for this for almost 2 years now and now when its just 3 days away, half of me is reluctant to leave. Furthermore David hasn't returned.

Just yesterday we sent a message to David telling him that we'll be leaving for Chiang Mai in 3 days, and if he still wants a chance on the programme, he needs to let us know. When we relayed the message to his granny, the granny was visibly grieved. She knew we loved the boy but she told us that the problem with David was that he was very attached to the gang. He is out so frequently that even though he has been back in the village for a while, he hardly returns home.

I guess in 3 days, we will know his decision.

Whichever way this episode turns out, I want to thank all of our supporters for keeping us in prayers, especially David. STREETKIDS work is never easy and more often than not, its heartbreaking. But without your support, we would not have made it thus far.


  1. Hi, did David contact you in the end?

  2. Hi Lilian, sadly no.
    Working with street children is heartbreaking. David did make the 400km journey to come back to the village. But he was not able to find enough strength to leave the streets gangs where all his friends are.

    I do believe that one day he will come back, just a matter of time...
