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Sunday 10 April 2011

No Strength To Fight On

For a couple of weeks, we have been noticing that the older streetkids who have shifted to Chiang Mai started to develop a high sense of want. Yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Yesterday after church, the kids sat in the truck and was complaining how hot it was, and asked persistantly to be brought to "cool off" in the waterfall while others asked to go for a massive buffet.  Somehow these kids coming from a poor background have almost forgotten everything about their humble past and decided to "live it up"

Over the past week, the staff had much difficulty trying to get them to help out with the chores with many of them running off to chill in the shade and play guitar, instead of doing their duties. So they basically ate their fill, put in their minimal effort in school, lazed around and did all the minimal to get by. There was no longer that fighting spirit in them in wanted change. Somehow something triggered that change.

We sat the kids down to speak to them, and my staff (Puu) spoke to the kids to the point of tears, how she dreamed they can reach for the skies if they only try. But this wasn't tying at all.  We knew something caused the slide, but we couldn't pinpoint what it was. Till we started praying together. After prayer, it seemed apparent that they were discouraged, tired of being looked down upon by school mates, and struggling to catch up due to the differing standards. We got them all to pray for each other and before long, you can see tears flowing out of many of these kids eyes.

The beautiful part, after ministry a breakthrough happened. We did not have to tell the kids anything more, they just took up chankol and started to work. Something changed deep inside !

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