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Join us as we embark on this journey of faith. Journey with us by praying alongside & supporting us every step of the way. May this journal and our lives be a testament of God's love in a hurting world.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Looking Back To Find Confidence For Tomorrow

People often say that it is a bad habit to look back at your history. But for me, i find strength in looking back at what God has done in our ministry. Knowing that He has watched over this ministry and guided us, gives me confidence to face the uncertainties of tomorrow.

This journey is truly amazing, how God brought people alongside us to reach more lives for His Glory. Allow me to honor about 2 women in our ministry today !

The first would be Kanokrat Puu. We met in the worst of circumstances. Our ministry was at the verge of closing down, the staff were backstabbing each other, the people who needed help was not reached and making all these things worse, we had only funds left to last us 1 or 2 months at the max. God brought us an accountant in a time that we COULD NOT afford an acco
untant ! This crazy women stayed on with us, and can be credited for resuscitating the ministry, despite receiving less than 50% of her last drawn salary !
The next would be Shirleen Ng. An diving kaki turned supporter of RADION. While most of you would have heard her name, much of her background work is not seen by most. She labored alongside us even when she was in poor health, setting up booths, lugging heavy stores, working into the wee hours of the night to get our supporters connected to us. And though she is working on a full time capacity, she has refused to take a single cent knowing our financial limitation. It was through this lady's hard work, that freed me to focus on the ministry's needs.

And i'm grateful to God for these 2 amazing women !

Friday 20 July 2012

Our boys return for a visit

Tommy and James came back to visit us today. Their weathered faces tell of the hardships they have gone through, but they tried to cover it with a punk like hairstyle and reclining on their old rusted bikes.

Mustering all the courage they had, they asked "Do you know where is Tim
(another streetkid). For those who are not familiar with tribal street children, this is not really a question, but a way to initiate a conversation. Both knew that Tim is in Chiang mai but that was the best way they knew how to "justify" their visit while masking their shyness.

It was amusing. Seeing that the boys are still the same. But it was really great seeing them again.

Both James and tommy were amongst the first batch of streetkids ever to walk into the programme. Both street children from broken familes and got really messed up in glue sniffing.

 A picture taken many years ago. With James in kaki & Tommy in black.

We took both these boys in when they were around 12 and gave them a home and the encouragement necessary to get them back into school. They stayed on the programme for 2 years and successfully got cleaned from drugs. But later they felt that they wanted to experience the world firsthand and thus left the programme prematurely, much to the heartbreak of the staff and care givers.

Since then they have never returned. Until today!

It has been 2 years since they left, but their names and faces are still etched deeply in our hearts. Seeing them today was very heartwarming, knowing they have taken on decent jobs and left the streets.

In the course of our conversation, James looked down and whispered, "I'm just a petrol pump attendant"

I smiled, looked him in the eye and told him I was proud of him, that he chose to make a honest living. Though it is not a high paying job, but that was the best he could do with a primary 6 certificate.

His next lines warmed my heart. James silently said "I wish I hadn't left the programme". In his eyes the look of regret. Knowing James, that was his way of saying "Sorry, I've let you down"

I smiled as I told him that there is nothing to regret, but rather how we choose to lead our lives from here on. His eyes beamed and there it was again, the sheepish grin from the boys.

Just seeing the boys coming back was really encouraging, knowing that our hardwork, prayers and tears haven't been wasted after all!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Successful Collaboration. Now time to catch some rest !

We have just successfully completed another collaboration with NUS Medical Society to bring medical care to the poorest hill tribe people in Thailand.

The next few months is going to be packed with activities and I'm taking a couple of days retreat and keep my walk with the Lord.

See you guys shortly !

p/s : for those who do not know, its official ! We've got the land to build the integrated centre !